UTK EOSs for Astrophysical Simulations ====================================== This C++ code constructs the equation of state of homogeneous nucleonic matter for use in simulations of core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers. This code was originally described in a paper on `arxiv.org `_. The source code is available on `github `_. The installation of `Boost `_, `GSL `_ (versions 1.16 and later), `HDF5 `_ (versions 1.8.14 and later), and the most current version of `O2scl `_ is required in order to compile the code to generate and analyze EOS tables. You do not need to compile the code to use the EOS tables - they can be read by any application which reads HDF5 files. You will need to manually edit the makefile to work with your system and then compile ``eos_nuclei`` in order to generate an EOS. The homogeneous matter EOS from Du et al. (2019) has a separate executable ``eos``, which can also be compiled. More documentation will be added as time permits. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 download table_format eos_nuclei class_doc todos rest_mass chem_pot trans cs2 plotting docker * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`