Plotting with o2graph

One can plot the EOS data with the O₂sclpy (see command o2graph. To begin, first download an EOS table:

o2graph -download fid_3_5_22.o2 \

Then, to summarize the objects in the file:

o2graph -filelist fid_3_5_22.o2

Which gives output similar to:

O2scl object "A" of type tensor_grid.
O2scl object "A_max" of type tensor_grid.
O2scl object "A_min" of type tensor_grid.
Dataset "n_T" of type size_t with value 160.
Dataset "n_Ye" of type size_t with value 70.
Dataset "n_nB" of type size_t with value 301.
Dataset "n_oth" of type size_t with value 11.

To create a two-dimensional density plot of a tensor_grid object, for example:

o2graph -download fid_3_5_22.o2 \ \
-read fid_3_5_22.o2 A -set logx 1 -set logy 1 -set colbar 1 \
-to-table3d 0 2 slice 0.4 -den-plot slice pcm=True \
-xtitle "$ n_B~(\mathrm{fm}^{-3}) $" -ytitle "$ T~(\mathrm{MeV}) $" \
-save A_Ye04.png

plots the average nuclear mass number as a function of density and temperature at a fixed electron fraction of 0.4:

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The following:

o2graph -read fid_3_5_22.o2 T_grid -set logy 1 -plot1 \
marker=+ -save T_grid.png

plots the temperature grid:

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