Neutron star-related plots ========================== This documentation was generated from git commit .. include:: commit.rst Licensing --------- The C++ and python code provided here is license under the :download:`GNU General Public License (v3)` and the plots themselves, as provided in the repository, are licensed as :download:`CC-BY-NC (4.0)`. General notes ------------- Some of the plots use data which is generated using C++ code which requires `O2scl `_. The python plots often require `O2sclpy `_ (only those that use the ``o2graph_plotter`` class require `O2scl `_). Plots ----- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 30 30 * - .. image:: ../nstar_plot.png :ref:`Neutron star plot` - .. image:: ../eos_mvsr.png :ref:`EOS and M-R curve plot` * - .. image:: ../crust_plot.png :ref:`Neutron star crust` - .. image:: ../sfluid3.png :ref:`History of Superconductivity` * - .. image:: ../periodic_table.png :ref:`Origin of the elements` - .. image:: ../ppdot.png :ref:`P pdot diagram` * - .. raw:: html :ref:`Lead nucleus cartoon` - Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 nstar_plot eos_mvsr ns_crust sc_hist periodic_table ppdot lead_nuc bib * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`