Class bose_einstein_multip (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class bose_einstein_multip

Evaluate the Bose-Einstein integral using multiprecision.

The base integrators

inte_kronrod_boost<61> ikb
inte_double_exp_boost ideb
inte_adapt_cern iac
bool err_nonconv

If true, then convergence failures call the error handler (default true)

inline bose_einstein_multip()
inline void set_tol(const double &tol_)

Set tolerance.

template<class fp_t>
inline int calc_err_full(fp_t a, fp_t y, fp_t &res, fp_t &err, int &method)

Bose-Einstein integral.

template<class fp_t>
inline int calc_err(fp_t a, fp_t y, fp_t &res, fp_t &err)

Bose-Einstein integral.

template<class fp_t>
inline fp_t calc(fp_t a, fp_t y)

Bose-Einstein integral.

Protected Functions

template<class fp_t, class fp2_t>
inline fp_t obj_func(fp_t x, fp2_t a2, fp2_t mu2)

The Fermi-Dirac function.

Protected Attributes

double tol
