Class eos_nstar_rot_interp (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class eos_nstar_rot_interp : public o2scl::eos_nstar_rot

Create a tabulated EOS for nstar_rot using interpolation.

The tabulated EOS is stored in the following units

  • log_e_tab is the log of the energy density in units of \( 10^{15}~\mathrm{g}/\mathrm{cm}^3 \)

  • log_p_tab is the log of the pressure in units of \( 10^{15}~\mathrm{g}/\mathrm{cm}^3 \)

  • log_h_tab is the log of the pseudo-enthalpy

  • log_n0_tab is the log of the baryon density in units of \( 1/\mathrm{cm}^3 \)

The user specified EOS must have a monotonically increasing baryon chemical potential, as guaranteed, for example, by o2scl::eos_nstar_rot_C.

Idea for Future:

Replace arrays with vectors and fix unit-indexing.

Subclassed by o2scl::eos_nstar_rot_C, o2scl::eos_nstar_rot_L


double C

Speed of light in vacuum (in CGS units)

double G

Gravitational constant (in CGS units)

double KAPPA

Square of length scale in CGS units, \( \kappa \equiv 10^{-15} c^2/G \).

double KSCALE

The value \( 10^{-15}/c^2 \).

int n_nearest

Cache for interpolation.

double interp(double xp[], double yp[], int np, double xb)

Driver for the interpolation routine.

First we find the tab. point nearest to xb, then we interpolate using four points around xb.

Note that this version, since the EOS arrays are now 0 indexed, is different than the nstar_rot version. There is also a bit of extra arithmetic in this function below which is probably unnecessary which is left over from the shift from unit to zero-indexing.

template<class vec1_t, class vec2_t, class vec3_t, class vec4_t>
inline void set_eos_native(vec1_t &eden, vec2_t &pres, vec3_t &enth, vec4_t &nb)

Set the EOS from four vectors in the native unit system.

template<class vec1_t, class vec2_t, class vec3_t>
inline void set_eos_fm(size_t n, vec1_t &eden, vec2_t &pres, vec3_t &nb)

Set the EOS from energy density, pressure, and baryon density stored in powers of \( \mathrm{fm} \) .

This function appends the default RNS crust and thus the eden, pres, and nb vectors should not contain points corresponding to the EOS for baryon densities smaller than \( 0.07463~\mathrm{fm}^{-3} \).

template<class vec1_t, class vec2_t, class vec3_t>
inline void set_eos_crust_fm(size_t n, vec1_t &eden, vec2_t &pres, vec3_t &nb)

Set the EOS from energy density, pressure, and baryon density stored in powers of \( \mathrm{fm} \) .

This function presumes that the user-specified vectors that contain the crust EOS. Note that the user-specified EOS must have a monotonically increasing baryon chemical potential.

virtual double ed_from_pr(double pr)

From the pressure, return the energy density.

virtual double pr_from_ed(double ed)

From the energy density, return the pressure.

virtual double nb_from_pr(double pr)

From the pressure, return the baryon density.

virtual double pr_from_nb(double nb)

From the baryon density, return the pressure.

virtual double ed_from_nb(double nb)

From the baryon density, return the energy density.

virtual double nb_from_ed(double ed)

From the energy density, return the baryon density.

virtual double enth_from_pr(double pr)

From the pressure, return the enthalpy.

virtual double enth_from_nb(double nb)

From the baryon density, return the enthalpy.

virtual double pr_from_enth(double enth)

From the enthalpy, return the pressure.

virtual void ed_nb_from_pr(double pr, double &ed, double &nb)

Given the pressure, compute the energy and number densities.

inline void output()

Output EOS table to screen.

inline void output_table(std::string fname)

Output EOS to an HDF5 file.

Protected Functions

int new_search(int n, double *x, double val)

Search in array x of length n for value val.

Protected Attributes

o2scl::search_vec<double*> sv

Array search object.

int n_tab

number of tabulated EOS points

double log_e_tab[200]

rho points in tabulated EOS

double log_p_tab[200]

p points in tabulated EOS

double log_h_tab[200]

h points in EOS file

double log_n0_tab[200]

number density in EOS file