Class err_hnd_type (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class err_hnd_type

Class defining an error handler [abstract base].

A global object of this type is defined, err_hnd .


Future: There may be an issue associated with the string manipulations causing errors in the error handler.

Subclassed by o2scl::err_hnd_gsl

Public Functions

inline err_hnd_type()
inline virtual ~err_hnd_type()
virtual void set(const char *reason, const char *file, int line, int lerrno) = 0

Set an error.

virtual void get(const char *&reason, const char *&file, int &line, int &lerrno) = 0

Get the last error.

virtual int get_errno() const = 0

Return the last error number.

virtual int get_line() const = 0

Return the line number of the last error.

virtual const char *get_reason() const = 0

Return the reason for the last error.

virtual const char *get_file() const = 0

Return the file name of the last error.

virtual const char *get_str() = 0

Return a string summarizing the last error.

virtual void reset() = 0

Remove last error information.

virtual const char *type() const = 0

Return type.

Public Static Functions

static inline void gsl_hnd(const char *reason, const char *file, int line, int lerrno)

Set an error.

This is separate from set(), since the gsl error handler needs to be a static function.