Class funct2_string (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class funct2_string

Two-dimensional function from a string.

Public Functions

inline funct2_string(std::string expr, std::string var1, std::string var2)

Specify the string and the parameters.

inline virtual ~funct2_string()
inline int set_function(std::string expr, std::string var1, std::string var2)

Specify the string and the parameters.

inline int set_parm(std::string name, double val)

Set the values of the auxilliary parameters that were specified in parms in the constructor.

inline virtual double operator()(double x, double y) const

Compute the function at point x and return the result.

Protected Functions

inline funct2_string()

Protected Attributes

mutable o2scl::calc_utf8 calc

The object for evaluating strings.

mutable std::map<std::string, double> vars

Parameter map.

std::string st_form

The expr.

std::string st_var1

The variable.

std::string st_var2

The variable.

Private Functions

funct2_string(const funct2_string&)
funct2_string &operator=(const funct2_string&)