Class index_spec (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class index_spec

Index specification.

Subclassed by o2scl::ix_fixed, o2scl::ix_grid, o2scl::ix_gridw, o2scl::ix_index, o2scl::ix_interp, o2scl::ix_range, o2scl::ix_reverse, o2scl::ix_sum, o2scl::ix_trace

Possible values for type

static const size_t empty = 0

Empty specification.

static const size_t index = 1

Retain an index.

static const size_t fixed = 2

Fix the value of an index.

static const size_t sum = 3

Sum over an index.

static const size_t trace = 4

Perform a trace (sum over two indices)

static const size_t reverse = 5

Reverse an index.

static const size_t range = 6

Choose a new range for an index.

static const size_t interp = 7

Interpolate a value to fix an index.

static const size_t grid = 8

Interpolate a value to set a new grid (fixed bin number)

static const size_t gridw = 9

Interpolate a value to set a new grid (fixed bin width)

static const size_t deriv = 10

Interpolate a value to fix an index and take the derivative.

inline index_spec()

Default constructor.

inline index_spec(size_t typ, size_t i1, size_t i2 = 0, size_t i3 = 0, double v1 = 0.0, double v2 = 0.0, double v3 = 0.0)

Explicit full constructor.

inline bool equal(index_spec &is)

If true, then two index specifications are equal.

Public Members

size_t type

Type of specification.

size_t ix1

First argument.

size_t ix2

Second argument.

size_t ix3

Third argument.

double val1

First double argument.

double val2

Second double argument.

double val3

Third double argument.