Class inte_gauss56_cern (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class func_t, class fp_t>
class inte_gauss56_cern : public o2scl::inte_gauss56_cern_base<func_t, fp_t>

5,6-point Gaussian quadrature (CERNLIB)

If \( I_5 \) is the 5-point approximation, and \( I_6 \) is the 6-point approximation to the integral, then integ_err() returns the result \( \frac{1}{2}(I_5+I_6) \) with uncertainty \( |I_5-I_6| \).

This class is based on the CERNLIB routines RGS56P and DGS56P were originally documented at Several specializations of this class template are provided for varying levels of precision, including inte_gauss56_cern<funct,double>, inte_gauss56_cern<funct_ld,long double>, and several others. For other floating point types, the user must create their own specialization which specifies the integration weights and abscissae.