Class nucmass_gen (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class nucmass_gen : public o2scl::nucmass_table

Nuclear properties.

Public Functions

int load_be(std::string fname, std::string be_col, double be_units, bool external = false)

Load a file with binding energies.

inline virtual const char *type()

Return the type, "nucmass_gen".

inline virtual bool is_loaded()

Returns true if data has been loaded.

virtual bool is_included(int Z, int N)

Return false if the mass formula does not include specified nucleus.

inline virtual size_t get_nentries()

Return number of entries.

virtual double mass_excess(int Z, int N)

Given Z and N, return the mass excess in MeV.

virtual double get_string(int Z, int N, std::string column)

Given Z and N, return the mass excess in MeV.

Protected Attributes

o2scl::table data

The o2scl::table object containing the data.

size_t mex_col_ix

Column which refers to the mass excess.

int last

The last table index for caching.