Class part_deriv_calibrate_class (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

class part_deriv_calibrate_class : public o2scl::part_calibrate_class_tl<double>

Object to organize calibration of derivative quantities in particle classes to results stored in a table.

Public Functions

template<class part_t, class thermo_t>
inline double part_deriv_calibrate(part_t &p, thermo_t &th, bool test_pair, std::string file, bool nr_mode = false, int verbose = 0, bool external = false)

Calibrate a particle thermodynamics class with derivatives with results stored in a table.

This compares the approximation to the exact results using calc_density(), calc_mu(), pair_density() and pair_mu(). It tries each function twelve times. It tries three different temperatures, setting both inc_rest_mass and non_interacting equal to true and false.

The verbose parameter controls the amount of output.