Function matrix_row (o2scl)

O2scl : Function List

arma::subview_row<double> o2scl::matrix_row<arma::mat, arma::subview_row<double>>(arma::mat &M, size_t row)

Armadillo version of matrix_row()

This function creates a arma::subview_row object from an Armadillo matrix.

Eigen::MatrixXd::RowXpr o2scl::matrix_row<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXd::RowXpr>(Eigen::MatrixXd &M, size_t row)

Eigen version of matrix_row()

template<class mat_t, class mat_row_t>
mat_row_t o2scl::matrix_row(mat_t &M, size_t row)

Construct a row of a matrix.

This class template works with combinations of ublas matrix and matrix_row objects, arma::mat and arma::rowvec, and Eigen::MatrixXd and Eigen::VectorXd.


When calling this function with ublas objects, the namespace prefix "o2scl::" must often be specified, otherwise some compilers will use argument dependent lookup and get (justifiably) confused with matrix_row in the ublas namespace.


The template parameters must be explicitly specified when calling this template function.