Function skyrme_load (o2scl_hdf)

O2scl : Function List

void o2scl_hdf::skyrme_load(o2scl::eos_had_skyrme &sk, std::string model, bool external = false, int verbose = 0)

Input a o2scl::eos_had_skyrme object from an HDF file.

If external is false (the default), then the model is loaded from the data directory skdata with the suffix .o2. Otherwise, the parameter model is taken to be the full pathname of the HDF5 file containing the EOS model data to be loaded.

The parameters b4, b4p and the reference are directly read from the file.

If the file does not contain an integer named dpfix, or the value of dpfix is false, then

  • the parameters named x0, x1, x2, x3, a, b, and alpha are directly read from the file,

  • and the parameters named t0, t1, t2, and t3 are presumed to be stored in the file with an extra factor of \( \hbar c \) and stored in fields named t0hc, t1hc, t2hc, and t3hc .

Alternatively if dpfix is present and greater than zero, then the values \( t_1=-t_2/3(5+4 x_2) \), \( x_1 = -(4+5 x_2)/ (5+4 x_2) \), \( \alpha=1/3 \), \( a=1 \) and \( b=0 \) are assumed. The values x0, x2, and x3 are directly read and the values t0, t2, and t3 are computed from fields named t0hc, t2hc, and t3hc .

If the file contains an integer named pdmode and that integer is greater than zero, then the parameter named W0 is taken from the numbers named pairfn and pairfp using the relation

\[ W_0 = \frac{(\mathrm{pairfn}+\mathrm{pairfp})}{4 \hbar c} \]
Otherwise, it is assumed that the file contains a field named W0hc which stores the value of W0 times \( \hbar c \) .