Function vector_integ_xy_interp (o2scl)

O2scl : Function List

template<class vec_t, class vec2_t>
double o2scl::vector_integ_xy_interp(size_t n, const vec_t &x, const vec2_t &y, size_t interp_type = itp_linear)

Compute the integral over y(x) using interpolation.

Assuming vectors y and x define a function \( y(x) \) then this computes

\[ \int_{x_0}^{x^{n-1}} y(x)~dx \]
using interpolation to approximate the result.

See also vector_deriv_interp() and vector_deriv2_interp() in vector_derint.h .

template<class vec_t, class vec2_t, class vec3_t>
void o2scl::vector_integ_xy_interp(size_t n, const vec_t &x, const vec2_t &y, vec3_t &iy, size_t interp_type = itp_linear)

Compute integral over y(x) and store result in a vector using interpolation.