Function vector_swap_double (o2scl)

O2scl : Function List

template<class vec_t, class vec2_t>
void o2scl::vector_swap_double(size_t N, vec_t &v1, vec2_t &v2)

Swap of of the first N elements of two double-precision vectors.

This function swaps the elements of v1 and v2, one element at a time.

template<class vec_t, class vec2_t>
void o2scl::vector_swap_double(vec_t &v1, vec2_t &v2)

Swap of all the elements in two double-precision vectors.

This function swaps the elements of v1 and v2, one element at a time.


It is almost always better to use std::swap than this function, which is provided only in cases where one knows one is going to be forced to use a vector type without a properly defined std::swap method.

template<class vec_t>
void o2scl::vector_swap_double(vec_t &v, size_t i, size_t j)

Swap two elements in a double-precision vector.

This function swaps the element i and element j of vector v1.

This function is used in o2scl_linalg::QRPT_decomp() .