Class gauss_filter (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class func_t = funct>
class gauss_filter

Apply a Gaussian filter to a function.

Public Functions

inline gauss_filter()
inline virtual ~gauss_filter()
inline void set_func(func_t &func)

Set the base function.

inline void set_alpha(double alpha_new)

Set the window parameter.

inline void set_K(size_t K_new)

Set the number of points to use in the average.

If n_new is zero then the error handler will be called.

inline double operator()(double x)

Evaluate the function.

Public Members

double h_rel

Relative stepsize (default \( 10^{-14} \).

double h_abs

Absolute stepsize (default \( 0 \))

double lower_limit

Lower limit.

double upper_limit

Upper limit.

Protected Attributes

func_t *f

The pointer to the original function.

size_t K

Number of points (default 5)

gsl_filter_gaussian_workspace *w

GSL workspace.

double alpha

Windowing parameter.

gsl_vector *v

Vector storage for kernel.