Class part_deriv_press_tl (o2scl)

O2scl : Class List

template<class fp_t = double>
class part_deriv_press_tl

Particle derivatives in the pressure representation.

This class adds the derivatives dndmu, dndT, and dsdT, which correspond to

\[ \left(\frac{d n}{d \mu}\right)_{T,V}, \quad \left(\frac{d n}{d T}\right)_{\mu,V}, \quad \mathrm{and} \quad \left(\frac{d s}{d T}\right)_{\mu,V} \]
respectively. All other first-order thermodynamic derivatives can be expressed in terms of the first three derivatives.

Subclassed by o2scl::fermion_deriv_tl< double >, o2scl::boson_deriv_tl< fp_t >, o2scl::fermion_deriv_tl< fp_t >, o2scl::part_deriv_tl< fp_t >

Public Functions

inline part_deriv_press_tl()
inline part_deriv_press_tl(const part_deriv_press_tl &p)

Copy constructor.

inline part_deriv_press_tl &operator=(const part_deriv_press_tl &p)

Copy construction with operator=()

inline void deriv_f(fp_t &dmudn, fp_t &dmudT, fp_t &dsdT_n)

Compute derivatives in the Helmholtz free energy representation from the derivatives in the pressure representation.

Public Members

fp_t dndmu

Derivative of number density with respect to chemical potential.

fp_t dndT

Derivative of number density with respect to temperature.

fp_t dsdT

Derivative of entropy density with respect to temperature.