Class Documentation


class seminf_nr

Semi-infinite nuclear matter for nonrelativistic models in the Thomas-Fermi approximation.

This discussion is a combination of Jim Lattimer’s notes and the material in Steiner05ia .

Given a energy density functional separated into bulk and gradient terms

\[ \varepsilon(n_n,n_p,\nabla n_n,\nabla n_p ) = \varepsilon_{\mathrm{bulk}}(n_n,n_p) + \frac{Q_{nn}}{2} \left( \nabla n_n \right)^2 + \frac{Q_{pp}}{2} \left( \nabla n_p \right)^2 + Q_{np} \nabla n_n \nabla n_p \]
one can minimize the thermodynamic potential
\[ \Omega = \int \left(-P\right) dV = \int~dV \left[ f_{\mathrm{bulk}} - \mu_n n_n - \mu_p n_p + + \frac{Q_{nn}}{2} \left( \nabla n_n \right)^2 + \frac{Q_{pp}}{2} \left( \nabla n_p \right)^2 + Q_{np} \nabla n_n \nabla n_p \right] \]
to obtain the neutron and proton density profiles. The Euler-Lagrange equations are
\[ Q_{nn} \nabla^2 n_n + Q_{np} \nabla^2 n_p - \frac{1}{2} \left[ \frac{\partial Q_{nn}}{\partial n_n} \left(\nabla n_n\right)^2 + \frac{\partial Q_{np}}{\partial n_n} \nabla n_n \nabla n_p + \frac{\partial Q_{pp}}{\partial n_n} \left(\nabla n_p\right)^2 + \right] = \frac{f_{\mathrm{bulk}}}{n_n} - \mu_{n,0} \]
and a second equation with \( n \leftrightarrow p \), where \( f_{\mathrm{bulk}} = \varepsilon_{\mathrm{bulk}} - T s_{\mathrm{bulk}} \) and \( \mu_{n,0} \) is a constant. Multiplying the first equation by \( \nabla n_n \) and the second by \( \nabla n_p \), adding, and integrating gives
\[ \frac{1}{2} \left[ Q_{nn} (\nabla n_n)^2 + Q_{pp} (\nabla n_p)^2 + 2 Q_{np} \nabla n_n \nabla n_p \right] = f_{\mathrm{bulk}}(n_B) - f_{\mathrm{bulk}}(n_{B,drip}) - \mu_{n,0} ( n_n - n_{n,\mathrm{drip}}) - \mu_{p,0} ( n_p - n_{p,\mathrm{drip}}) \]
Then the surface thermodynamic potential is
\[ \Omega + P_0 V = 2 \int \left[ f_{\mathrm{bulk}}(n_B) - f_{\mathrm{bulk}}(n_{B,\mathrm{drip}}) - \mu_{n,0} ( n_n - n_{n,\mathrm{drip}}) - \mu_{p,0} ( n_p - n_{p,\mathrm{drip}}) \right]~dV \]

In the semi-infinite matter approximation with a single coordinate, \( x \), the E-L equations become

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray} Q_{nn} n_n^{\prime \prime} + Q_{np} n_p^{\prime \prime} = \mu_n - \mu_{n,0} \nonumber \\ Q_{np} n_n^{\prime \prime} + Q_{pp} n_p^{\prime \prime} = \mu_p - \mu_{p,0} \end{eqnarray}\end{split}\]

The surface tension is

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray*} \omega &=& \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left( f - \mu_{n,0} n_n - \mu_{p,0} n_p \right) dx \nonumber \\ \omega &=& 2 \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left( f_{\mathrm{bulk}} - \mu_{n,0} n_n - \mu_{p,0} n_p \right) dx \end{eqnarray*}\end{split}\]
with the second equality because the bulk and gradient contributions to the surface tension are exactly the same.

In semi-infinite matter one can define a radius by

\[ n_{i,LHS}(R_i - L) = \int_{-L}^{\infty} n_i~dz \, , \]
and using this defintion, the neutron skin thickness in semi-infinite matter is
\[ t \equiv \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left( \frac{n_n(z)} {n_{n,\mathrm{LHS}}} - \frac{n_p(z)}{n_{p,\mathrm{LHS}}} \right)~dz \]
and converting to a spherical geometry gives a factor of \( \sqrt{3/5} \) so the neutron skin thickness is \( R_n - R_p = t \sqrt{3/5} \) .


\[ \omega(\delta=0) = \sqrt{Q_{nn} + Q_{np}} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left[ f_{\mathrm{bulk}}(n_B,\alpha=0)+n_B B \right]^{1/2} dn_B \]

In neutron-rich matter, the proton density vanishes while the neutron density extends out to \( x \rightarrow \infty \). In order to handle this, the algorithm separates the solution into two intervals: the first where the proton density is non-zero, and the second where the proton density is zero. These two solutions are then pasted together to create the final table.

12/15/03 - Implemented a new solution method for Qnn!=Qnp for when nn_drip becomes > 0. It seems that in this case, it is better not to automatically adjust the scale of the x-axis, but use a gradual broadening similar to what we have done using the relativistic code. This allows calculation down to really low proton fractions! We need to see if this is consistent with the analytic code for both Qnn<Qnp (hard) and Qnn>Qnp (probably works).

The first proton fraction cannot be 0.5, as the algorithm cannot handle later values different from 0.5

Storage for the solution

si_vector_t xstor
si_matrix_t ystor

Store initial guesses for next proton fraction

si_vector_t xg1
si_vector_t xg2
si_matrix_t yg1
si_matrix_t yg2

Nucleon-nucleon interactions

eos_had_apr eosa
eos_had_potential eosg
eos_had_skyrme eoss
eos_had_schematic eosp

Public Functions

int calc(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Calculate nucleon profiles for a list of proton fractions.

int check(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Compute standard results and compare with stored output.

Public Members

double rhs_adjust

Adjustment for RHS boundary.

string model

Type of EOS model in use.

string out_file

Name of output file.

Protected Functions

int derivs(double sx, const si_vector_t &sy, si_vector_t &dydx)

The differential equations to be solved.

double solve_qnn_neq_qnp(double lmonfact)

Solve the ODEs when \( Q_{nn} = Q_{np} \).

int qnnqnpfun(size_t sn, const si_vector_t &sx, si_vector_t &sy)


int ndripfun(size_t sn, const si_vector_t &sx, si_vector_t &sy)

Compute the boundary densities in the case of a neutron drip.

int pdripfun(size_t sn, const si_vector_t &sx, si_vector_t &sy)

Compute the boundary densities in the case of a proton drip.

double difeq(size_t ieq, double x, si_matrix_row_t &y)

Reformat differential equations for o2scl::ode_it_solve.

double left(size_t ieq, double x, si_matrix_row_t &y)

LHS boundary conditions for o2scl::ode_it_solve.

double right(size_t ieq, double x, si_matrix_row_t &y)

RHS boundary conditions for o2scl::ode_it_solve.

Protected Attributes

double mun

Neutron chemical potential.

double mup

Proton chemical potential.

double nn_left

Neutron number density on the LHS.

double np_left

Proton number density on the LHS.

double qnn

Isoscalar gradient term for neutrons.

double qpp

Isoscalar gradient term for protons.

double qnp

Isovector gradient term.

double n0half

Saturation density of isospin-symmetric matter.

bool show_relax


double barn


double dmundn


double dmundp


double nsat

Saturation density of matter with current proton fraction.

double protfrac

Current proton fraction (in high-density region)

int pf_index

Proton fraction index.

eos_had_base *eos

EOS pointer.

fermion neutron


fermion proton


thermo hb

Thermodynamic functions.

bool relax_file

If true, output relaxation iterations (default false)

bool qnn_equals_qnp

If true, \( Q_{nn}=Q_{np} \).

bool low_dens_part

If true, match to exponential decay on the RHS.

double min_err

Minimum err.

double monfact


double expo


double nn_drip

Neutron drip density.

double np_drip

Proton drip density.

bool flatden

Desc (default false)

mroot_hybrids<mm_funct, si_vector_t, si_matrix_t, jac_funct> nd

Nonlinear equation solver.

double nnrhs

Neutron drip density.

double nprhs

Proton drip density.

double rhs_length

Size of the low-density surface region.

bool goodbound

If true, we have good boundary conditions.

double first_deriv

Initial derivative for densities on LHS (typically negative)

double big

Desc (default 3.0)

int ngrid

The grid size (default 100)

double relax_converge


double rhs_min


double initialstep

The step size factor for constructing the initial guess (default 7.0)

inte_qagiu_gsl gl2

Integrator to compute integrals of final solution.

table_units tab_prof

Store the profiles.

table_units tab_summ

Store results across several profiles.

deriv_gsl df

To compute derivatives (currently unused)


class seminf_rel

Semi-infinite nuclear matter for relativistic mean-field models in the Thomas-Fermi approximation.

RMF models in the semi-infinite matter approximation were first computed in Boguta77 and Stocker91 . This code was developed for Steiner05ia.

In the semi-infinite nuclear matter approximation, the meson field equations are

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{d^2 \sigma}{d z^2} &=& m_{\sigma}^2 \sigma - g_{\sigma} \left( n_{s n} + n_{s p} \right) + b M g_{\sigma}^3 \sigma^2 + c g_{\sigma}^4 \sigma^3 - g_{\rho}^2 \rho^2 \frac{\partial f}{\partial \sigma} \nonumber \\ \frac{d^2 \omega}{d z^2} &=& m_{\omega}^2 \omega - g_{\omega} \left(n_n+n_p\right) + \frac{\zeta}{6} g_{\omega}^4 \omega^3 + g_{\rho}^2 \rho^2 \frac{\partial f}{\partial \omega} \nonumber \\ \frac{d^2 \rho}{d z^2} &=& m_{\rho}^2 \rho + \frac{1}{2} g_{\rho} \left(n_n-n_p\right) + 2 g_{\rho}^2 \rho f + \frac{\xi}{6} g_{\rho}^4 \rho^3 \end{eqnarray*}\end{split}\]
in the same notation as o2scl::eos_had_rmf .

The algorithm works by solving first over a small interval in coordinate space and slowly spreading the solution out until the derivatives of the meson fields at the left boundary drop below a specified tolerance.

wd2int() is broken since fesym() tends to fail at low densities. For this reason, it wasn’t used in Steiner05ia .

The meson fields at the LHS

double sigma_left
double omega_left
double rho_left

Public Functions

int calc(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)


int check(std::vector<std::string> &sv, bool itive_com)

Compute standard results and compare with stored output.

Public Members

std::string model

Model (default RAPR)

std::string out_file


Protected Functions

int ndripfun(size_t sn, const si_vector_t &sx, si_vector_t &sy)

Equations for the boundary conditions in the case of a neutron drip.

double difeq(size_t ieq, double x, si_matrix_row_t &y)

Differential equations to solve.

double left(size_t ieq, double x, si_matrix_row_t &y)

LHS boundary conditions.

double right(size_t ieq, double x, si_matrix_row_t &y)

RHS boundary conditions.

Protected Attributes

int ngrid

The grid size.

double nsat

The saturation density at the current proton fraction.

double protfrac

The current proton fraction.

double mun

The current neutron chemical potential.

double mup

The current proton chemical potential.

eos_had_rmf rmf_eos

The hadronic EOS.

thermo hb

Thermodynamic variables.

thermo tht

Thermodynamic variables.

fermion neutron


fermion proton
